The End is Sigh
Tag along as Nate and Todd distract themselves with underrated movie discussions, explore life’s most random themes, and hopefully create some genuine laughter along the way. New episodes released every Tuesday, unless they’re not.
71 episodes
EP 70 | The Highs & Sighs of 2022: A Podcast Recap
This week, we celebrate episode 70 with a look back at the year, including the highs and lows (sighs) of cinema and TV, standout performers, big news, and more. We also look back at our favorite movies and themes from the pod itself. It's a qui...
Season 2
Episode 70
EP 69 | The “It’s Okay, We’re Professionals” 12 Movies in 60 Minutes Blitz
This week, we're celebrating episode 69 with a bang! Metaphorically, of course. Join us as we clear up some inventory by quickly discussing 12 movies that we think deserve recognition -- but will probably never get the main stage on the pod. Ho...
Season 2
Episode 69
EP 68 | Dreams/Nightmares, Conspiracy Theories, and 2001’s Vanilla Sky
Open your eyes. Or better yet, your ears! Cause it's another episode of The End is Sigh, baby! This week, we get deep into dreams, briefly discuss conspiracy theories, then dive into Todd's favorite film, Vanilla Sky. Heads up, it's more review...
Season 2
Episode 68
EP 67 | Treasure Hunting, Animation, and 2002’s Treasure Planet
Let's just say, in this episode we get a little... animated. Total pun. Totally intentional. Because we're totally talking about Disney's Treasure Planet - our first animated movie - and backing that up with a chat about treasure hunting and th...
Season 2
Episode 67
EP 66 | Fairy Tales, Death, and 2016’s A Monster Calls
Once upon a time... there were two guys that sat in a basement and talked about underrated movies. One was super evil and one was super cool, and their loyal band of listeners knew exactly which was which. One fateful day, the two guys decided ...
Season 2
Episode 66
EP 65 | The Mob, Poker, and 1998’s Rounders
Good Will Hunting, but for poker? That's right, baby! That means we're diving into the classic 1998 Matt Damon and Edward Norton flick, Rounders! But first, we GOTTA discuss the mob and test our poker knowledge. As always, happy listening. Also...
Season 2
Episode 65
EP 64 | Another Covid Variety Hour + Movie Theater Etiquette!
This is a weird one. You've been warned!The guys are remote, so there's some audio discrepancies as they discuss news of the week, rant about the current state of movie theater etiquette, and get Nate's (non-spoiler) thoughts on Black P...
Season 2
Episode 64
EP 63 | Protests, Private Eyes, and 2016’s The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys? More like, The Sigh Guys! Am I right?! Anyway... this week we're discussing Ryan Gosling's best performance and a couple of themes to go along with it! Those themes? We're glad you asked! They happen to be protests and private ey...
Season 2
Episode 63
EP 62 | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Con Artists, and 2003’s Matchstick Men
With spooky-movie-month behind us, we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming, starting with 2003's Matchstick Men! But before we get into all the plotty details, Nate and Todd have a discussion about obsessive-compulsive disorde...
Season 2
Episode 62
EP 61 | The Sun, Space Travel, and 2007’s Sunshine
The Sigh Guys end spooky-movie-month with a bang thanks to the iconic (but still underrated!) Sunshine by Danny Boyle. But first, they remind listeners of their mortality by diving into some Sun facts before traveling to space. Happy listening....
Season 2
Episode 61
EP 60 | Variety Hour + 2022’s Halloween Ends
This week, we saw 2022's Corey Ends. Oh wait, it's 2022's HALLOWEEN Ends! Our bad. Anyway, before diving into the many decisions made in that movie, we share how we've made meaning out of the meantime and discuss some pop culture news as part o...
Season 2
Episode 60
EP 59 | Double Feature: The Midnight Meat Train + Tucker & Dale vs. Evil
Ladies and gentlemen, the Cat is back! This week, we welcome the return of our spooky movie expert to discuss some truly unique movies. One is unique for baffling reasons... and the other is unique for good reasons. You get to guess which one! ...
Season 2
Episode 59
EP 58 | Childhood Games, Cults, and 2019’s Ready or Not
Ready or not, here comes the pod! This week, the boyz are back talking about movies of the spookier/scarier/darker ilk, starting with 2019's Ready or Not! But first, they get to the normal chatter before discussing this week's themes: childhood...
Season 2
Episode 58
EP 57 | Apocalypses, Babies/Reproduction, and 2006’s Children of Men
Welcome welcome welcome to another edition of The End is Sigh! This week, the guys discuss some apocalypse scenarios and whether or not they'd ever survive. After that, they plan to discuss babies but really just talk about reproduction. So, pa...
Season 2
Episode 57
EP 56 | Dance, Hit Jobs/People, and 2015’s Mr. Right
Care to dance? More specifically, dance into this week's episode featuring our two super awesome themes: dance and hit jobs/people. We dabble in our own experience (or lack there of) when it comes to getting a groove on, then try to figure out ...
Season 2
Episode 56
EP 55 | Manipulation, Student Council, and 1999’s Election
Underrated movies are back, baby! Nate and Todd jump back into the usual fare with Election -- a dark comedy that still holds up all these years later. Then, they dust off their theme hats to discuss the psychology of manipulation and the ridic...
Season 2
Episode 55
EP 54 | Variety Hour and 2022’s Three Thousand Years of Longing
It's been 3,000 years... since we've seen a good movie. But, with bad movie month OVER, we got back into the theater to see a brand-spanking-new one --> George Miller's Three Thousand Years of Longing starring Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba! B...
Season 2
Episode 54
EP 53 | A Mini Variety Hour + 2009’s Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Brain cells... roll out! That's right, it's the end of bad movie month and we're finishing (strong?) with Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen -- by none other than Michael Bay! Listen as Nate and Todd try to explain this movie's plot while re...
Season 2
Episode 53
EP 52 | This, That, and 2018’s The Predator (+ Prey)
Well well well, if it isn't 2018's The Predator — a frat boy's wet dream of a movie. And since it's bad movie month... yep, we're talking about it! But first, Todd recaps some LA stuff. And we do finish by cleansing our palates with a brief lov...
Season 2
Episode 52
EP 51 | A Very, Very Mini Variety Hour + 2015’s Fant4stic Four
Another week in August, another bad movie review! Now, are we talking about reviewing a bad movie or a movie review (by yours truly) that's bad? That's up to you! But first, we clean up some old news that is not about the movie OLD in our very,...
Season 2
Episode 51
EP 50 | The OLD-mentary
One year and 50 episodes later... we're here. It's time. Time to deliver on a long-awaited threat: the OLD-mentary. That's right, we're doing a full watch and/or listen-along commentary of 2021's OLD by M. Night Shyamalan. No pauses, no...
Season 2
Episode 50
EP 49 | San Diego Comic-Con, The Fast and the Furious Saga, and 2021’s F9
Bad movie month is upon us! So, buckle in as we tackle The Fast and the Furious saga (1-8), then dive deep into the 2021 disaster that is F9. But first, we discuss the craziness that is 2022's San Diego Comic-Con and all the Marvel news that ca...
Season 2
Episode 49
EP 48 | Traveling, Extinction, and 2013’s The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
This week, we have a secret we want to share with you. Spoiler alert, it's about Walter Mitty. But, before Nate and Todd head into the movie of the week, they discuss some relevant themes in the form of travel and extinction. So, go travel befo...
Season 2
Episode 48
EP 47 | Magic(k), Faking Your Own Death, and 2006’s The Illusionist
Abracadabra, listeners. It's time Nate and Todd pulled an Edward Norton movie out of their podcast hat! That's right, it's The Illusionist in all its artistic, underdog glory. The guys then pair it with a nice (gross) history lesson on magic, a...
Season 2
Episode 47
EP 46 | Variety Hour (aka COVID Catch-up) with Stranger Things Season 4!
Welp, Nate got COVID. So, we're remote and we didn't get to Thor this week. BUT, we have about an hour of questionable audio for you to listen to as we clean up some phone notes, discuss our experience at the 2022 Denver Fan Expo, and recap Str...
Season 2
Episode 46